Here‘s what we’re thinking about…

Your five-step guide to nailing a copy brief a day

Luckily, there’s a (semi) fail-safe five-step process (tried and tested by me, myself, and I) for those days when procrastination won’t fly.

Social Media for Biz – what do you know?

Upon its fledgling debut into the big wide world, your Facebook page was more of a safe space for fangirling over Leo, or writing cringe-worthy inside jokes on each other’s walls – now, it can be a powerful marketing tool. 

Why good copywriting is key

Most people know what copywriting is, many would say that they know what good copy looks like and more than a few believe that they can produce it.

Made a mistake? Be honest & transparent

Where there are human beings, the inevitability of a mistake happening at some point is...well, inevitable.

SEO & Social – a match made in heaven?

Does Social Media impact SEO? It may not be the rasion d’etre of SEO, but there is little doubt that social media impacts A LOT on search engine optimisation.